Strengthen the lower back for pain management
Strengthen the lower back for pain management
Back pain is one of the most common health-related grievances in the world and the number one cause of work disability.
This article provides you with information on various strategies to avoid back pain by creating a strong, painless back.
Stand more and move more (the right way) for back health
The two effective ways to prevent back pain are closely related. Minimizes being active and sitting. Both of these methods can improve muscle strength and coordination, reduce stiffness, and improve blood flow to reduce back pain and lower the risk of back pain in the first place.
Often, back pain results from tension and muscle imbalance. For example, sitting for a long period of time shortens the iliac, psoas, and quadrilateral muscles that run from the lumbar region to the top of the femur and pelvis.
If this muscle is chronically short, it can effectively pull the lower back (lumbar) forward and cause severe pain when standing up.
Keeping these muscles well balanced can solve many common pains and discomforts. Abuse and misuse of the muscles that support the spine, weakened muscle strength, and improper posture while sitting, standing, or walking are other common causes of back pain.
For example, if you walk with your toes facing outward, the muscles in your hips and lower back become tight, increasing your risk of lower back pain. Sitting with your shoulders bent toward the computer screen increases the risk of upper and lower back pain by stretching the upper back muscles and putting stress on the lower back.
Since your head is the heaviest part of your body, walking with your head down can adversely affect the rest of your back and hips and cause postural problems that distract your body. If you're not in good posture, consider doing an exercise to stretch your shoulders, open your hips, and lift your chest.
3 exercise techniques to deal with back pain
Several people have developed techniques to address back pain. Here are three ways to work.
Foundation training exercises are the work of slowly drawing your body out of a pattern of movement that hurts your body. The focus is on strengthening the core. The core contains anything that connects directly to the pelvis, whether above or below it.
Egoscue can also help mitigate the damage caused by excessive sedentary lifestyles. Four examples of ego skew exercises are foot circles, point flexes, frog poses, static back extensions, and standing forward bends. There is.
Neurostructural integration technique (NST) is a soft, localized technique that stimulates the body's reflexes. Simple movements are made through the muscles, nerves and connective tissue, so the neuromuscular system can reset all relevant tension levels to promote spontaneous healing.
Consider chiropractic treatment
Spinal manual therapy with chiropractors can relieve back pain in many cases. In a 2017 meta-analysis, one of 26 studies, spinal manual therapy had "a statistically significant advantage in both moderately sized pain and function on average up to 6 weeks."
On average, patients reported that their daily activities, such as walking, sleeping, and turning around in bed, were much easier and more comfortable. While these results may not appear to be of significant effect in practice, it is important to recognize that these results are average and that participants only received spinal manual therapy.
In other words, they did not perform additional rehabilitation exercises to reduce inflammation or maintain the functional movement of the spine obtained after manual treatment.
A more recent study (including spinal therapy treatment as part of a multidisciplinary team approach to back pain in two large military medical centers) has shown greater discomfort and disability reduction than experienced in general practice.
The study involved 750 active duty soldiers already receiving treatment for back pain. They were all undergoing physical therapy and medication to relieve pain and inflammation. The team added chiropractic therapy to half of the participants, including spinal manual therapy, rehabilitation exercises, and cold and hot therapy.
On average, the group receiving chiropractic treatment received 2 to 5 treatments over 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, patients who received chiropractic treatment experienced significantly improved back pain and reduced disability than patients who did not receive the same treatment.
In addition to addressing immediate spinal misalignment problems that can cause spinal pain, chiropractic treatment can help address, prevent, and treat dysfunctions in the body. Chiropractic therapy actually affects biological and chemical processes at the cellular level, reducing oxidative stress and improving immune function and DNA repair.
Acupuncture, massage and breathing are also effective
Acupuncture and massage also have their own role. Research has found "clearly and robustly" the efficacy of acupuncture, especially in the treatment of back, neck, and shoulder pain. Meanwhile, massage treatments released endorphins, which help lower levels of stress chemicals such as cortisol and noradrenaline, reduce tension and relieve pain.
It has also reversed the harmful effects of stress by slowing the heart rate, increasing breathing and metabolism, and reducing elevated blood pressure.
Certain breathing techniques may help even more. Compression breathing is actually an important aspect of Foundation Training exercises that teach you to retrain the muscles around the axial skeleton (the spine of the rib cage) so that they are in an inflated state rather than contracted.
When done properly, you can stretch your hip flexors, stabilize your spine, and use your transverse abdominal muscles to support your core. This strengthens the waist and opens the chest high.
1. When sitting or standing, place your thumb at the bottom of your rib cage and your little finger on the pointed bone in front of your waist. Think of the gap between your fingers as a gauge.
2. Pull your chin back so that your chest is up. Breathe slowly and deeply three times as instructed below.
3. With each inhalation, the distance between your thumb and little finger should increase.
4. As you exhale, tighten your abs so 해운대출장안마 your torso does not tilt back. This is the most important step. When exhaling, be careful not to let your torso fall toward your pelvis. This process can be difficult, but you should feel your abdomen move as you exhale.
5. With each breath, the goal is to increase the distance between your thumb and little finger and the width of the upper waist. This happens when you stretch the back of the rib cage. With each inhalation, the ribcage expands, and with each exhalation, the abdomen expands and tightens.
Thus, with each inhalation, the breath fills the ribcage, and with each exhalation, the breath must maintain the height and width of the ribcage.
Repeat 5 to 10 times with 3 to 4 breaths at a time. Over time, your muscles will become stronger and your sitting position will gradually improve.
6 simple stretches to help relieve lower back pain
In addition to core-strengthening exercises such as basic training, stretching is also important because tight, stiff muscles and lack of flexibility can contribute to back pain. There are many methods, including the six highlighted below. If this stretching causes pain, stop it and consult your doctor, chiropractor, or masseuse.
If it's been your first time or a long time since your last workout, you may feel some discomfort when doing these stretches. I recommend slowly and gradually increasing your tolerance to these stretching over time.
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